Friday 21 March 2014

Word of the week - Efficacious

I quite like finding words that I have never heard of to sum up my week and this week I have found the word efficacious. Last week I said how motivated I felt and as this week has been so eventful I feel that my motivation was efficacious in achieving and getting things done!

This week I spent two days on a first aid course and I learnt so much that I am considering becoming a doctor... OK maybe not a doctor but I am much more confident about dealing with emergency situations than I was before and as I have wanted to do a first aid course for ages I'm glad I finally did it!

At school we have been really busy, yesterday we took a trip to the London transport museum which was great fun but taking 60 children on public transport first thing in the morning is pretty stressful, both for us and the other passengers!
Today the whole school took part in Sport Relief and they could choose to either bike ride, scoot or walk around Streatham common. Luckily for me I was in nursery and as they only have little legs we didn't have to venture all the way to the park so we just went a few times around the playground instead.

At home I have had the workman putting new windows in the house and having a grand total of 22 windows it was a pretty big job! It was obviously a lot harder for the workman than it was for me but I did have to move the whole house round to make sure there was nothing within a metre of the windows. I have also been doing a bit of work in the garden hoping that the weather will stay pleasant enough to spend some time out there.

And to finish up the week over here on T&G I will be launching my first linky by the name of Positive Pic of the Week where you can post a picture of something positive that has happened during the last 7 days. Hope to see a few of you joining in and sharing a bit of positivity.

For your information the word efficacious means 'capable of having the desired result or effect' and comes from the 1520s Latin word efficaci meaning effective.

This post is linked up with #wotw over at The reading Residence.

The Reading Residence


  1. Love the word and love your week! Sounds very busy and you got so much done! And you're launching your linky - fabulous and best of luck with it :) Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  2. Yes its been very busy, feels nice to put my feet up and do a bit of blogging on a Friday evening ;) I will be launching tomorrow! (hopefully, if I work out how to do it) Thanks x

  3. Fab word to sum up your week. x

  4. Thanks, it is a good word that I had never heard of before!


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